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Where we are located
The veterinary practice of Champel is close to the centre of the city of Geneva, in the neighborhood of Champel. Find us between the route de Florissant and route de Malagnou.

Rue Pédro-Meylan 1
1208 Genève
022 736 00 06
Parking for the clients of the practice
At the rear of our building, on avenue Krieg
enter the private parking lot behind and on the left of the Shell gas station
use the place number 9 on your left.

Another possibility to park your car
Blue parking spots in the streets around the practice (pay at the parcometer)
Coop has an uderground parking (payble)
route Florissant 56, 400 meters from the cabinet.

Coop parking

Coop à cabinet

Coop shopping

Coop parking
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